Call us on 0399762600
KZN 2023
Please save the dates. More info to follow
Call us on 0399762600
This series has been designed to be deeply practical. It aims to get people thinking about their own internal world – their physical, emotional, spiritual and mental ‘tanks’ and then to make changes.
We have packaged this content into a six-week series that includes:
Sunday preach on the current topic
A mid-week video which explores the topic on a more practical level (this is best done in a LifeGroup setting)
36-day devotional study, join us as we go deeper into the word.
For more information or if you would like to join a lifegroup near you, contact Keith or Robyn Botes at the church office.
It is happening again ... Global Equip
This will be the only Equip happening in 2025.
The equip will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Thousands from around the WORLD will gather together under one roof to give glory to one King: Jesus.
Do not miss it, it will be life changing.
Registration is now open
For more information, contact Keith or Robyn at the church office 0399762600.
KZN 2023
Please save the dates. More info to follow
Paul affectionately shares with the Thessalonians his desire to share not only the gospel with them, but his life as well. We are a family!! Families eat together, laugh together, play together, pray together and genuinely care for each other's needs. Because “charity begins at home”, we unapologetically love “hanging together”. After all, if God is joyful (which He is) (Nehemiah 8:10), and we are made in His image, then surely we as Christians should be the happiest people on earth. Who doesn’t want to be around such people?
If you are looking for a church to settle in or visit while on holiday, feel free to pop in. We would love to meet with you.